Email notifications and RSS feed

Hello everyone, hope you have a good start into September. We had a relaxed day, a small stroll over the Kanazawa Oktoberfest and I’ve just come back from grocery shopping, still humming the melody that’s always played in Aeons' fruit and vegetable section (Aeon is the great supermarket/mall next door and this melody is really catchy). Just an ordinary Sunday in Wakamatsumachi.

There are no new stories about our Japan adventures in this post. This is only a technical announcement. Some of our readers have asked us if we have email notifications for new posts. We didn’t have such a feature back then. But now we have it!

How to get email updates from us

It’s very easy: just click on this link and enter your name and email address. And don’t forget to leave us a nice message. You can also subscribe via the new widget on the right side on this page below the recent posts. Or you can reach the subscription form using the new ‘Subscribe’ menu entry. So many options…

RSS feed

If you use an RSS reader we have more good news for you. Our blog has its own feed available at the address

You can read all posts in full from your feed reader. If you don’t have an RSS reader or don’t know/have forgotten what RSS is don’t be sad - just keep on reading our posts from our website as usual.

Kanazawa Oktoberfest?

Yes, you read that correctly. My office mate Débora informed us about this event already some weeks ago. Of course we went there and we were not disappointed as we experienced everything you would expect from a good Japanese Oktoberfest. This includes great snacks (mussels and sausages to be eaten with chopsticks), girls ordering large beers mainly to pose for instagram, a German looking band from Australia and Japanese people in dirndl and leather pants dancing enthusiastically to “Komm hol' das Lasso raus” and “Johnny Däpp”. Simply amazing.

Enjoying German culture in Japan