Everytime I visit Noto peninsula I discover new things. The remote countryside of northern Ishikawa offers not only beautiful landscapes but also tiny villages, rural Japanese atmosphere, delicous food and the feeling of being in a completely different Japan that you are used to. Also, Noto will always surprise you and you’ll defenitely end up detouring as there are so many things to disvoer. This time, we planned to visit some landmarks of the Westcoast.

Noto trip: Westcoast to Eastcoast

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route Trip
Did you ever think that walking through high snowwalls in May could be possible? No? Well, let me tell you all about my snowy adventure at Mount Tateyama! I am sure that the pictures will amaze you.
About Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route Mt. Tateyama is one of Japan’s three holy mountains along with Mt. Fuji and Hakusan. In the past, people imagined that they were having a direct view into the underworld and that the highest point of Mt.

Sunshine and spring vibes
Are we still living in Kanazawa, one of the rainiest places I know? I often asked myself this question in the past weeks as it has been so sunny for such a long time! Something that is really rare for this area. This year, spring really felt like spring and we could not only enjoy many sunny days but also beautiful flowers, long walks without sweating or freezing, lots of outdoor coffees and finally, no more freezing cold nights!

Tedorigawa Canyon Road Trip
Finally we have been experiencing a sunny weather period in Kanazawa! Despite being very busy with our work, we try to use every free day for some outdoor adventure as it’s so rare that there is no rain. There are so many beautiful flowers everywhere, turning the whole area from grey and dull into a beautiful paradise. On one particular warm and sunny Saturday, we decided to finally go to the mountainside and cycle on the famous Tedorigawa Canyon Road.

Cherry Blossom Viewing
I can’t believe I am lucky enough to experience my second Sakura season in Japan! Even though the situation is far from perfect - we are faced with an ongoing pandemic, restrictions to our everyday life and not being able to share this experience with anyone - we used the short blooming time to enjoy it as best as we could. This year, the Sakura bloomed earlier than usual. In fact, it is said to be the earliest blooming ever since they started to record it.

Waiting for spring
Hello everyone, This post should give you an update about our daily life in the past weeks and show you some nice pre-spring impressions of Kanazawa. After a long winter spring seems finally to start! Gradually, day time temperatures began to rise and the sunshine certainly started to feel powerful. We can’t wait to experience another spring season in Japan.
Transition to spring As always, The first thing I noticed was the fact that the days started to get longer and the sun was shining more frequently than ever!

Nagano winter trip
Did you know that there are wild monkeys in Japan that enjoy a hot bath in an outdoor onsen during cold winter days and you can even watch them from a close distance? Read all about our short winter trip to Nagano prefecture in this post!
Nagano prefecture Nagano prefecture is a landlocked prefecture in the central part of Honshu. It borders more prefectures than any other in Japan and contains the point that is furthest away from the sea in the whole country.

Winter activities in Hokuriku
Winter in Hokuriku is always grey and dull? Doesn’t necessarily have to be that way! If the weather is sunny or at least stable enough, you actually have several possibilities to enjoy sporty outdoor adventures! in this post, I am going to show you two typical winter activities you can easily do in Hokuriku (as long as there is enough snow).
What can you do? Usually, Hokuriku experiences a lot of snowfall during the winter, making it a perfect place to enjoy various winter activities surrounded by a stunning mountain panorama.

A stormy winter
Hi everyone! Spending winter in Kanazawa can really test your patience and sanity. Lucky for us, there was no other heavy snow storm since my last post about it but still, we are facing winter storms every week including thunderstorms, a lot of hail and snowfall. Combining this with the COIVD pandemic, there are not too many options left to entertain yourself during this time. But, as you will see in this post, we still tried!

Shirakawa-Go Trip
Hey everyone, as the winter days in Hokuriku area are usually grey and full of snow or rain, it was a wonderful surprise to experience one sunny day last weekend. As we wanted to do something special, we decided to rent a car and drive to the famous world heritage village Shirakawa-Go in Gifu Prefecture. Already in 2019, one week after we arrived in Japan, we visited the “sister village” Gokayama, which lies about 15 kilometers north of Shirakawa-Go (refresh your memory here).